
Showing posts from June, 2019

Understanding PCB Layout Essential – Change the way how you look at the tracks

About different way of thinking when doing PCB Layout. Do not think about voltages and currents, think about transferring energy.

Learn Altium Essentials – Doing PCB Layout (Lesson 4) – Second Edition

Component placement & routing in Altium Designer

Altium Tip: Selecting objects – Difference between Right & Left

There is difference in selecting objects when starting at top left vs top right. I didn’t know about this for a long time. Hope you find this useful.

Simple way to Calculate Impedance, Current, Crosstalk, …

Going through Saturn PCB Calculator – which is free and useful software for engineers. I use the software a lot to calculate impedance, maximum current for tracks / VIAs and sometimes to check possible crosstalk.

Altium – How to set and use Layer Type (very useful in libraries)

A feature which helps you to define PCB layers based on how they are used instead of assigning them to a specific Mechanical Layer.

How to design cheaper PCB? What the parameters on PCB manufacturer website mean?

See how much the basic parameters of your design can change price of your PCB.

Altium – Quick way to create symbols with many pins

Video explains how you can copy pin names from datasheet in insert them into your schematic symbol.

How to create 3D model of your PCB for 3D printing – Step by Step

This is a step by step tutorial to learn how to create simple 3D model of PCB which can be used for 3D printing and checking the product which you are designing.

Altium – Create & Import New Component from Part Search (Step by Step)

How to use manufacturer part search to create and import a new component.

Altium – How Manufacturer Part Search can be useful

How the manufacturer part search works and what we can do with it.

Review of Server PCB Layout & Schematic – Part 7: MISC

Layer ordering, Poured GND on signal layers, 90 Degree angles, Power plane pulled back, Fiducials, USB & Ethernet shield, Non hierarchical schematic

Review of Server PCB Layout & Schematic – Part 6: DDR4 Memory Layout & CPU Power

DDR4 Layout, DDR4 Power Planes, Tabbed Routing, 90A (MAX 255A) Power Supply Planes, CPU Decoupling, Non PCB Components

Review of Server PCB Layout & Schematic – Part 5: SFP 10Gb/s Interface

SFP Layout, Backdrilled VIAs, PSU Connector, Impedance Coupons, OCuLink, SMBus Switch, I2C to UART

Review of Server PCB Layout & Schematic – Part 4: PCI Express (PCIE)

Zig-Zag routing, Stitching VIAs, Stub in PINs, Holes in GND under PADS and around VIAs, Port 80 & POST Codes

Review of Server PCB Layout & Schematic – Part 3: Baseboard Management Controller (BMC)

DDR3, VGA, BMC Decoupling, Power monitoring, BIOS

Review of Server PCB Layout & Schematic – Part 2: Platform Controller Hub (PCH)

SATA, USB 3.0, PCH Decoupling, Differential Pairs and Length Compensation, Info in Schematic, Level Translators, SPD

Review of Server PCB Layout & Schematic – Part 1: Processor

Server Board Project Olympus, Block Diagrams, Processor Schematic & DDR4 Memory slots, PCB Layout around CPU

Tutorial 5 for Altium Beginners: Generating Manufacturing Outputs

Generating: Gerbers, Bill of Materials (BOM), NC Drill Files, PDF Schematic, 3D PDF, 3D STEP File, Assembly Drawings, Draftsman, Pick and Place

Tutorial 4 for Altium Beginners: Placement, Variants, Assembly Drawings

Component placement, Filters, Cross Probe, Assembly Drawings, Variants

Tutorial 3 for Altium Beginners: PCB Layout

Starting a new PCB, Doing Layout, Layer Sets, DRC Check

Tutorial 2 for Altium Beginners: How to create footprints

Creating Footprints, Adding 3D models, Updating Schematic Symbols, Annotating, Schematic

Tutorial 1 for Altium Beginners: How to draw schematic and create schematic symbols

Starting a new Project, Creating Schematic Symbol Library, Drawing Schematic

Doing PCB Layout – Learn OrCAD & Cadence Allegro Essentials (Lesson 9)

Connecting pads, drawing tracks, placing VIAs, doing fanout, moving & sliding tracks, adding shapes, creating shortcuts.

How To Do DDR3 Memory PCB Layout Simulation – Step by Step Tutorial

After watching this video you will have the most important info which will help you to simulate your own PCB layout. We will be using Cadence Sigrity, SystemSI, SPEED2000 and Allegro.

What files I need to manufacture and assemble my PCB? Here is the list …

If you would like to be sure, that you have generated all the files needed to manufacture and assemble your board, this video can be useful for you.

How to do DDR3 T-Branch Length Matching (Cadence Allegro)

This video includes also explanation about setting up rules, T-Points and how to do length matching of individual branches / segments.

Review of a PCB Layout: Do you do same mistakes? – For Beginners (Part 4 of 4)

In this video series I am commenting a PCB layout done by someone starting with hardware design. We will speak about the things which could be done differently or which could be improved.

Review of a PCB Layout: Do you do same mistakes? – For Beginners (Part 3 of 4)

In this video series I am commenting a PCB layout done by someone starting with hardware design. We will speak about the things which could be done differently or which could be improved.

Review of a PCB Layout: Do you do same mistakes? – For Beginners (Part 2 of 4)

In this video series I am commenting a PCB layout done by someone starting with hardware design. We will speak about the things which could be done differently or which could be improved.

Review of a PCB Layout: Do you do same mistakes? – For Beginners (Part 1 of 4)

In this video series I am commenting a PCB layout done by someone starting with hardware design. We will speak about the things which could be done differently or which could be improved.

Using Thermal Camera to inspect a PCB (with FLIR ONE PRO)

This video shows how a PCB or electronic circuit will look under thermal camera FLIR ONE PRO.

Cadence Allegro Tutorial – How to create SKILL Script and your own Commands

This video explains how you can create, run and use SKILL scripts to create your own commands in Cadence Allegro.

How to design boards that work the first time

About how to design boards that you can sell to your customers as the very first version.

PCB Manufacturing – Important facts you should know

About teardrops, slivers, drilling, coupons, VIAs, plating, 90 Degree corners, thermal relief, cost and more …

TIP #100: Create a Board Release procedure

Why? You really want to be sure, that you have done all the necessary steps and you have generated all the documents.

TIP #099: Your product should be tested for ESD discharge

Why? If your product is ESD sensitive, you may be risking a lot of returns as ESD discharge is very common.

TIP #098: Don’t forget to place other mounting holes (e.g. for heatsink)

Why? It may be very difficult to add mounting holes into already routed area.

TIP #097: During layout, consider to hide component designators in PCB

Why? It makes PCB much easier to work with during layout.

TIP #096: Place pins in schematic symbol the easy to read and consistent way

Why? It helps to create easy to read and easy to understand schematics.

TIP #095: You may want to place all the components on the board before you start doing layout

Why? Sometimes it can be very difficult to add components into already routed areas.

TIP #094: Don’t use 4 wire cross junctions

Why? In some cases it is not clear if the signals are connected or if wires are just crossing. Also, it can cause problems when manipulating with wires (e.g. moving or copying them).

TIP #093: Put a big title on the top of each page and put a small title for each chip / connector

Why? It helps everyone read and understand your schematic very quickly.

TIP #092: Under a component with exposed pad (EP), you may want to …

Why? It’s easy to connect them to GND and it keeps current loops small.

TIP #091: In schematic, mark the components which you may not want to fit

Why? So you don’t forget about them until you are ready to create variants.

TIP #090: Crystals can be placed also on the opposite side of PCB, just keep the tracks short

Why? Sometimes you may be very limited in space and it can be the only way to place the crystal. Tested on many boards, it works.

TIP #089: When desoldering, don’t be afraid of using a lot of solder

Why? The solder transfers heat to all the pins at once and you can easily remove the component. Do not worry to short all the pins with a lot of solder. It can be easily removed.

TIP #088: Add “PCB only” components into your schematic (mounting holes, fiducials, …)

Why? You do not want to forget them, but you do not want to have them in BOM.

TIP #087: Use board version number in the project name and in the PCB file name

Why? Sometimes you may need to open two different versions of the same board and you would like to know what version you are looking at.

TIP #086: After you finish a project, print schematic into PDF

Why? Anyone can simply open and see the schematic. Also, opening a PDF is much quicker than opening a CAD system.

TIP #085: If you don’t have space on PCB, consider to use stands off components

Why? You can place components under them.