
Showing posts from May, 2024

Building a Digital Filter: How it works + Simulation + Example

Everything important you need to know to start designing your own digital filters. Links: – Daniel´s LinkedIn – FEDEVEL courses

How Much Current Will Destroy a PCB Track? | Track resistance measurements

Measuring and burning PCB tracks. Links: – Eric´s Linked In – PCB Simulation vs. Real Board - DC Currents and Voltage drop – FEDEVEL courses

Everything Important About OP AMP (Operational amplifier)

Op-amps explained: how they work and what are their important parameters. Links: – Arthur´s LinkedIn – Zach´s LinkedIn – FEDEVEL courses

Powering Up Your Board From a Battery? You need to know this ...

This video includes explanation of battery charging and safety schematic circuits. Links: – Alex´ LinkedIn – Alex´s Youtube – FEDEVEL courses